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Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 20
Language English
Category English
Level Other
Created / Updated 04.11.2017 / 04.11.2017
Licencing Not defined
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key aspects of analyzing poetry.

- communicative Situation

- topic

- rhetorical form

- poetic form

A) cummunicative situation

- external: what does the title tell us about the poem?

- who speaks to whom?

   - persona or voice?

   - explicit or implicit subjectivity?



B) topic

- What are the situation and the subject matter?

- how is the topic developed? ( impression, reflection, similarity, contrast, variation )

- which concepts structure the meaning? ( love/hate, life/death, nature/culture, self/other.. )




C) rhetorical form (1)

which tropes are used and how do they convey meaning?

- simile

- metaphor

- conceit

- metonymy

- litotes

- euphemism

- synecdoche

- personification

- symbol

- allegory

- hyperbole

- irony


C) rhetorical form (2)

Which shemes are used and how do they convey meaning?

- parallelism

- chiasm

- inversion

- araphora

- oxymoron

- epiphora

- repitition

- ellipsis

- antithesis

D) poetic form (1)

metre or free verse?

  -kind and number of feet

     - iambic




D) poetic form (2)

What is the rhythm and how does it relate to metre, syntax and its content?

- major and minor stesses

- end-stopped-lines

- run-on-lines

- caesuras

- sprung rhythm


which phonological features fulfill which functions?

-do traditional forms of stanzas order the content?

-does the poem follow or transfer a traditional type or create a form of its own?