Partenaire Premium

OTA physical disability

Occupational therapy assistant

Occupational therapy assistant

Fichier Détails

Cartes-fiches 9
Langue English
Catégorie Soins
Niveau Autres
Crée / Actualisé 25.10.2017 / 30.10.2017
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Model of Human Occupation . Hollistic model. Humans have an inbirn drive to explore & master their environment.

MOHO subsystems 



Performance Capacity 

MOHO volution

Personal causation: beliefs about personal effectiveness 

Values: internalized images of what is important &meaningful

Interests: things a person find enjoyable or satisfying 

MOHO habituation

Habits: Automatic routine/patterns of activity, Completed with little conscious awareness, Habits & environment are interdependence. 

Internalized role: Personalization of typical occupational role, May reflects values &interests, Role transition occurs over the life span 

MOHO Performance Capacity 

The "ability for doing things ". Dependent on body structure & function.  "Lived body" - knowledge of the world is developed through the experience of living in a particular body 

Principles of OT treatment based on MOHO 

Client change is the focus of therapy

Only clients can accomplish their own change

Therapeutic "doing must involve an occupational form 

For achievement of Change, the doing must be relevant & meaningful.

Change in therapy involve simultaneous & interacting alteration in the person & the environment & in the relationship of the two.

The role of the therapist is to support & there thereby  enable clients to do what they need to in order to change 

Canadian model of Occupational Performance 

Universal, multiple age groups. Accommodating the occupation for the client with regards to his wishes and his medical condition and the environment 

Interaction between Occupation, Person environment


Canadian model of Occupational Performance 

Universal,  multiple age groups 

3 main dimension and interaction between them

Accomadating the occupation for the client with regards to his wishes and his medical condition and the environment