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the adjustment process

the adjustment process

Kartei Details

Karten 41
Sprache English
Kategorie Finanzen
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 09.10.2017 / 09.10.2017
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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what's the difference between cash basis accounting and accrual basis accounting

Cash basis--> only recorded when cash is received or paid, not allowedunder GAAp

Accrual basis--> revenue is recorded when earned and expensesare recorded when incurred, used by most businesses

what is the Revenue Recognition principle?

Record revenue when earned(when a project is finished), revenue is based on selling price(e.g. sale price)

what is the difference between revenues and gains?

Revenue --> sales to customers,services etc.

Gains --> sale price in excess of book value (real estate)

what is the difference between deferrals and accruals?

Deferrals:cash is involved prior to recognition

Accruals:cash involved after recognition

What is the difference between a deffered expense and an accrued expense?

Deffered expense: advance payments for future expenses

Accrued expense:expenses a business has incurr3ed but has not yet been paid

what is the difference between deferred revenues and accrued revenues?

Deffered revenues: occurs when a company receives cash before it does the work or delivers a product

Accrued Revenue:Company performs a service or delivers a product but has not yet been paid

what is the booking sentence if you paid rent in advance and how can you adjust it on dec. 31

Prepaid Rent/ Cashr

Rent Expense/Prepaid rent

what is the booking sentence if you purchased 500 in booking supplies and by dec.31.only 100 worth of supplies remain on hand?

supplies expense/office supplies 400