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Expressions in English (Bournemouth)

expressions in english chunks

expressions in english chunks

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 133
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level Other
Created / Updated 22.06.2017 / 18.07.2017
Licencing Not defined
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he carried on regardeless

he didn't look at the others, he had his way

to wind-down my brain

to relax

stories take on a life their own

storries get exaggerated (übertreiben)

tricket into belive something


to get back on someone

to get a revenge on someone (revanchieren)

to raise doubs about

causes (auslösen)

grain of truth (there may be a grain of truth in the story)

das Fünckchen Wahrheit

get over it

drüber hinwegkommen