Premium Partner

Turnaround Management 2



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 28
Language Deutsch
Category Finance
Level University
Created / Updated 20.06.2017 / 17.01.2018
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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What is the basis of all restrucuring efforts?

Restructuring ability

Restructuring worthiness

Explain the issue actio pauliana!

The issue is mainly about uneven treating of creditors, to pay the loan back or interest in a time when the bankruptcy already is clear or assumed and so not all creditors will receive their full credits and interests back.

What are the reasons for paying a bonus share?

For the company:

- High level of free reserves

- Transfer of revaluation reserve to share capital

For the shareholder:

- Partial realization of substance with equal dividend rate

Explain an approved capital increase:

- AGM gives order to BOD

- BOD has 2 years to perform the capital increase

- Can't be bigger than 1/2 of existing shares

- Change of statutes necessary

Explain a contingent capital increase!

- For convertible resp. option bonds

- Step by step capital increase parallel to conversion / option exercises

- Can't be bigger than 1/2 of existing shares

- Change of statutes necessary

- Opinion of independent accountants (yearly)

- Yearly announcement of current level of share capital

What are the characteristics of a subordination agreement?

- Written form highly recommended

- Not cancelable

- No time restrictions

Explain the composition agreement out of court!

- No strict legal restrictions as under SCHKG

- The corporation needs to find an agreement with every single creditor (so not viable in case of many creditors)

- Advantage: No equal treating of creditors needed

- But: The coporation is not protected against claim enforcement actions of creditors

- Other issue: The suppliers change the payment term to pre-payment

Explain the composition agreement under SCHKG when ordinary proceedings!

- A judge is involved - a majority of the creditors and the judge need to agree

- Very costly

- The endorsement (Bestätigung) is published in the SHAB and no creditor can start enforcement actions

- A solicitor is managing and controlling the company