English v
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Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 29 |
Language | English |
Category | English |
Level | Secondary School |
Created / Updated | 31.05.2017 / 01.06.2017 |
Licencing | Not defined |
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<iframe src="https://card2brain.ch/box/20170531_english_v/embed" width="780" height="150" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
a constituency
a district that send an MP to Parliament ( or its residents)
a candidate
someone who offers himself/herself for election
a Memper of Paliament
someone elected to represent his/her constituents
the electorate
all qualified voters
a by-election
when one particular constituency votes for a new MP
a general election
when all MP's are replaced or re-elected
a ballot box
the container in which you put your vote
a polling station
the building where you go to cast your vote