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SC Chapter 6 Bit Vectors

Questions about the lecture 'Satisfiability Checking' of the RWTH Aachen Chapter 6 Bit Vectors

Questions about the lecture 'Satisfiability Checking' of the RWTH Aachen Chapter 6 Bit Vectors

Kartei Details

Karten 24
Sprache English
Kategorie Informatik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 18.02.2017 / 27.02.2017
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Why is bit vector logic (BVL) needed?

Because of bit-wise operation and arithmetic overflow in system-level software

What can happen for large software?

Formulas will become large

What are current implementations using BVL? [5]



3. F-Soft (NEC)

4. SATURN (Stanford, Aiken)

5. EXE (Stanford, Engler and Dill)

What are the syntax components of BVL? [5]

1. Operators op are + - * / << >> & | xor °

2. Terms t are t op t, identifier, ~t, constant c, a?t:t, t[c:c], ext(t)

3. Relations rel are = <

4. Atoms a are t rel t, Boolean-Identifier, t[c]

5. Formulas f are f \lor f, \neg f, atom

What is a semantic problem of BVL compared to N and R?

(x-y)>0 ↔ x>y does not hold for BVL

What are the semantic components of BVL? [3]

1. Vector x

2. Width

3. Encoding E

What are the characteristics of the vector x of BVL? [3]

1. Every entry x(i) or x_i is mapped to 0 or 1

2. Most left is highest index l-1

3. Most right is lowest index 0

What are possible encodings E of BVL? [4]

1. Binary U 2. two’s complement S 3. fixed-point and 4. floating-point