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Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 50
Students 16
Language English
Category Medical
Level University
Created / Updated 29.01.2017 / 12.02.2022
Licencing Not defined
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 During a hyperpolarization of the cellular membrane, the bulk (volume) electrolytic in the cytoplasm:

At the resting membrane potential of a typical neuronal cell, the values of electrical driving forces for

potassium and sodium ions are approximately

 Considering a continuous flow of and ideal fluid through a cylindrical vessel, indicate how will change thevelocity of the fluid flow if the vessel’s radius is increased 3 times (Assume that the pressure indicatingthe flow does not change)

 If we measure for the sake of experiment, the aterial blood pressure to a subject in the standing position while the cuff is placed on the calf then the measured values of systolic/diastolic pressures will read:

We consider an artificial lipid bilayer to which some non-selective channels (channels permeableequally to anions and cations) were incorporated. The resting potential of this embrace will take the value:

(assume that electrolytes surrounding the membrane are physiological, i.e. on one side cytoplasmic and on the other extracellular)

 When a viscous fluid is transported through a cylindrical vessel of constant diameter and under a constant pressure, the fluid velocity;

The diameter of a cylindrical artery transporting a viscous fluid (blood) was reduced due to the growth of an atherosclerotic plaque to 25% of its physiological value.

Indicate a true sentence

The velocity of propagation of the pulse wave along the arterial vessels is: