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Organization and Leadership Lecture 10

Operative Human Resource Management

Operative Human Resource Management

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 11
Language English
Category Micro-Economics
Level University
Created / Updated 21.01.2017 / 21.01.2017
Licencing Not defined
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What is HRM?

Is about: 1. Attracting talented employees 2. Developing talented employees 3. Retaining talented employees --> Process of attracting, developing, and maintaining talented workforce

Human Resources

Human Capital is the economic value of people with rask-related skills, knowledge, ideas, energy and engagement

Strategic vs. operative HRM

Strategic: Do the right things, determine core strategies for the entire company

Operative: Do things right, implement the strategy, only responsible for a single department

- In charge recruiting, appraisal, development and layoff

Operative Functions: HR Recruiting

Is about recruitment advertising and applicant selection

-If there is scarce labor supply, companies receive a bad image --> they have to advertise the recruitment (signaling function as potential employer), this serves as a information function to the workforce.

-A large labor supply gives the company a positive image, it can selection the applicants (identify the right potentials),  serves as a selection function

Methods Internal vs. External:

- Internal, Job posting or bidding, employee recommendation

- External: active methods (job ads, job fairs, open house days, employment agency etc.) or passive (spontaneous applications, word of mouth)

Person-Environment Fit: Matches the applicant with the company

-Person-job fit: match degree between personal characteristics and job requirements, job satisfaction is largely influenced by this fit

-Person-Organization fit: to what extent the individuals characteristics are consistent with the organization, high degree fit can lead to stronger engagement

-Person-Group fit: fit between person and working group, relationship with group influenced by this

-Person-Supervisor fit: fit between person and supervisor, satisfaction with supervisor influenced by


HR Appraisal

Performance Appraisal: assessing someones work and provide feedback --> evalute to the people where they stand in terms of objectives/standards and help them develope further in their knowledge and person

- Performance Management System ensures performance standards and objectives are set, assessed regularly, and action is taken to improve it 

--> Goal is a behaviorally anchored appraisal; description of current behavior patter and higher reliability/validity


HR Development

Reasons for development of competences: performance deficits, rewarding, habit, imitation, employee retention, networking etc.

Identify Competence Needs: 

-Organizational Analysis: context of the training; what are the goals/strategies pursued? is the training compatible with this strategy? which training is required from the strategy?

-Task Analysis: identify required resources e.g. skills, for a specific task; which tasks are covered by the job? how important are these tasks? what competences are needed for this task?

-Person Analysis: Information about employees who need training; what resources does the employee possess? which relevant competences does he lack? is he skilled enough to do his job in the future and undergo training?

Not all job advancement is strictly tied to staff responsibility --> some prefer technical task over responsibility, others more into organizational tasks

HR Layoff

Reasons for layoff: operational (site closure, mergers, decline in sale) or staff-related (performance, qualification, behavior)

Outplacement: keep providing guidance to layed off employees withing defined framework e.g. for finding a new job position --> help job search, CV, application etc.

- Employee benefit: easier processing situation, help with reorientation, help with application, avoidance of wrong decisions

-Company benefit: singal of care for employees, motivation for remaining personal, defuse unavoidable conflict due to dismissal, positive corporate image, avoid court proceedings

Competence Management

Use the potential of the employees by comparing present and target competences againts the future strategic orientation --> deficits are covered through specific development of competences

-Recruiting: enables more efficient selection process, and increase probability to select people who will be successful in their job

-Appraisal: allows firm specific employee requirement, leads to a fair compentsation

-Development: focus on training which compensates missing competences and fosters skills, allows employees to focus on necessary training to strongly influence their performance

-Layoff: layoffs due to missing competences can be easier avoided due to long-term analysis