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Organization and Leadership Lecture 1

What is Leadership?

What is Leadership?

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 7
Language English
Category Micro-Economics
Level University
Created / Updated 16.01.2017 / 22.01.2017
Licencing Not defined
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What is Leadership

-Goal-oriented, reciprocal and social influence in order to execute common tasks in and by means of strucutured work situation.

- The Goal-oriented, social impact on the attitude and behavior of a single person as well as the interaction in and between groups with the objective of reach joint goals

-Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or a set of goals 

Why Leadership?

- Leaders can increase performance of employees

-Provide sense to employees in a changing environment

-Help coordinate work process for complex tasks

-Charismatic leadership increases commitment of employees

-Laissez-faire style to lower commitment

Destructive style to lower well-being, lower individual performance, counterproductive behavior etc.

Difference between Leader and Manager

Leadership: Responsible for change and strategic improvement

- Produces change and movement. Leaders provide a direction, give a vision, show the big picture and set strategies.

- Align people, communicate goals, seek commitment, build teams and coalitions

- Can motivate, inspire, energize, empower subordinates, satisfy unmet needs

Management: Resp. for operative business and delegation

- Planing and budgeting, establish agendas and timetables, allocate resources

- Organize and staffing, set the structure, make job placements, set rules and procedures

- Control and solve problem, develop incentives, generate solutions, take corrective action

Indirect or Direct Leadership

Indirect: distant, structural leadership

-via Strategy: organizational goals towards which all activities are oriented

-via Culture: consistent leadership behavior 

--> through culture, values or strategy, a clear leadship is communicated. Cascades down from top level to managemnt to employees --> the spotlight is on the employees rather than the leader, he remains in the background

Direct: Interactive, close leadership 

--> the spotlight is grabbed by the leader itself, need to posses traits as charisma, confidence etc.

Self-Managment of Leaders

Most important task of leaders is about the allocation of own energy and then to help the employes with theirs.

Leaders have personal-related stressors: Emotions (negative affectivity), congnitions (exaggerated expectiaions and goals), behaviors (ineffection behavioral regulations), qualificiations (lacking abilities and knowledge)

Work-related stressors: task-related (to much/little workload, disruptions), work organization (lacking or bad materials), phyiscal aspects (noisy, heat, pollution), time-related (work on request, time pressure) and social networks (lack of support, mobbing, role conflicts etc.)

Risk of a Burn-out!! --> mainly in the middle-managment -> sandwich pressure!

With self-management these cause can be avoided by the person and the company can save costs!

Lazarus' Stress Theory

-Stress factors differ individually

-Experience stress due to discrepancies between individual, social, instrumental and strucutral resources on the one hand and enviro. demands on the other hand


-Physical: heart rate and bloode pressure increase, cardio-vascular diseases, fight or flight hormones 

-Psychological: tension, frustration, anger, resignation, depression, burnout

-Behavioral: performance fluctuations, low concentration, conlicts, agression, fatigue

Resources to handle stress:

Personal Resources

-Psycho.:sense of coherence, hardniess, self-efficacy

- Situationally consistent resources: problem focuse behavior, benefit or social suppert

-Physiological: physical strenght, immune system

Situational Resources: scope for action and decision-making, sufficient time, control, complete/integrated tasks, manifold tasks, social support

Resources of Leaders: Status, social support, financial security, interal controlling conviction, high scope for action and decision-making, experienced self-efficacy, self-organization, self-leadership, possibilities for communication and cooperation

Self-Management Principles

Time not managable --> only yourself! Focus on strategy and proactive activities, minimize reactive and non-productive activities!!

Self-management means: Proactive (planning, risk mitigation etc.), Firefighting (crisis, deadlines, interpersonal conflicts) and Time-wasting (unimportant mail/cals and interruptions)

Proactivity: manage the future! difference between low and high-performing leaders. It means: taking initiative, generate constructive change, question the status-quo, active feedback-searching

Use tools as the Eisenhower Matrix, A-B-C Priorities, Pareto-Principle