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Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 7
Language English
Category Medical
Level Other
Created / Updated 14.01.2017 / 14.01.2017
Licencing Not defined    (.)
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What inhibits Th17?

What activates Th 17?

schwann cells myelin neurons, true or false?

oligo myleinate axons of the CNS, true or false?

both true

muslcle symptoms of ms?

loss of balance

muscle spasms

numbness in any area

problems moving arms or legs

problems walking

problems with coordination

tremor in one or more arms or legs

weakness in one or more arms or legs

MS bowel and bladder smp.?

constipation and stool leakage

difficulty beginning to urinate

frequent need to urinate

urine leakage (incontinence)

MS eye symptpms?

double vision

uncontrollable rapid eye movements

vision loss (usually one eye at the time)

MS brain and nerve symptoms?

decreased attenstion

poot judgment

memory loss

difficulty reasoning and solving problems

depression or sadness

dizziness and balance problems

hearing loss