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Introduction to Management

Important learnings from the lecture "Introduction to Management", Fall 2016, @ D-MTEC, ETH Zurich, Prof. Brusoni and Prof. Baschera

Important learnings from the lecture "Introduction to Management", Fall 2016, @ D-MTEC, ETH Zurich, Prof. Brusoni and Prof. Baschera

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Kartei Details

Karten 75
Sprache English
Kategorie BWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 02.01.2017 / 08.01.2017
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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The Congruence Model. What is part of the input?

  1. Environment: Current contexts: technological, socio-political, economic, demographic, political, legal, competitive
  2. Resources
    1. Tangible (people, plant, $)
    2. Intangible (reputation, knowledge)
  3. History: Past behaviour/policies/performance

The Congruence Model. What is part of the transformation process?

  1. Formal (organisation): explicit, codified aspects of the organisation (structure, rewards, control systems)
  2. Informal (organisation): implicit, assumed aspects of the organization (culture, values, communication patterns)
  3. People: characteristics of members of the organisation (demography, personality, skills, motivation)
  4. Work: characteristics of jobs and how jobs are related to each other

The Congruence Model. What is part of the output?

Are we performing effectively on the following levels?

  1. Organisation
  2. Group
  3. Individual

The Congruence Model. What links the input and the transformation process?


What is management?

The practice of planning, structuring, leading and controlling organizations.

Administration, setting the strategy, coordination, application of available resources (financial, human, naturla, technological).

Main points of Weber's «Ideal bureaucracy»?

  • Special type of organisation
  • Technicals knowledge
  • Clearly defined structure (officies, which have defined competencies)
  • Fixed salaries and career
  • Hiring based on technical skills
  • Seperation of operations and ownership

What is the main point of the Congruence Model? Where can misfits occur?

The higher the congruence among the elements, the greater the performance.

Fits and misfits can exist

  • among different elements of the transformation process and strategy (“internal fit”)
  • between strategy and environment (“external fit”)

What are the five forces in Porter's Model? What is the bascis questions?

  1. Threat of new entrants
  2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
  3. Threat of substitute products or/and services
  4. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  5. Rivalery among existing competitors

Basic question: should we enter, or stay in (if already entered), this ‘industry’?