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Book questions "Magic of reality"

Book questins from the Book "Magic of Reality" from Richard Dawkins

Book questins from the Book "Magic of Reality" from Richard Dawkins

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Kartei Details

Karten 84
Sprache English
Kategorie Literatur
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 27.12.2016 / 28.12.2016
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Chapter 1

How do we know that things exist?

Five senses

Chapter 1

Apart from our five senses, what other ways are there to find out what things exist(ed)?

Scientific instruments

Chapter 1

Why are telescope like a time machine?

We look at far-away galaxies where the light emitted takes a long time to reach us

Chapter 1

Why are models used in science?

Models describe something complex/abstact part of the scientific procedure:

hypothesis, experiment, proof

Chapter 1

What was Gregor Mendel's achievement?

Laws of heredity

Chapter 1

Which three senses (meanings) of the term "magic" does Dawkins describe?

Which one does he use in his title?

Supernatural magic

poetic magic

stage magic

title: poetic magic

Chapter 1

What does the history of science show?

the scientific process constantly expands what we can explain

Chapter 1

What is illustrated by the example of the pack of cards?

Laws of probability determine all events