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Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 28
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 24.12.2014 / 10.02.2019
Licencing Not defined
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Stromversorgung, Stromanschluss

Heavy thunderstorms frequently interrupt our electricity supply.

I need an electricity supply to power this machine.



dough (dou)

He mixed the cake ingredients into a dough.

We have to roll out the dough on a floured surface.

verletzlich (Person)

vulnerable ('volnerabl)

Children are the most vulnerable members of society .

auf etw. neidisch sein

She was envious of her sister's new fashionable dress.

Er kommt wieder zu Bewusstsein. (=become concius again)

He's coming around.

sich für etw. entscheiden

decide/settle on sth.

The company decided on a European location

We eventually settled on an electric car.

jmd. nachahmen 

Decide what you want to do; don't just imitate others.

James can imitate his father perfectly.

emulate so.

Some animals emulate predators to protect themselves.

They hope to emulate the success of other software companies.

She hopes to emulate her sister's sporting achievements.


Er kaufte 6 Tafeln Schokolade damit jedes Kind eine bekommen konnte.

He bought 6 bars chocolate in order that each child could have one.