Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 40 |
Language | Deutsch |
Category | English |
Level | Primary School |
Created / Updated | 24.12.2014 / 09.02.2019 |
Licencing | Not defined |
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Besitzer (owner)
The proprietor of the building signed the lease.
Entsprechung/Pendant, Gegenleistung, Gegenwert, gleichwertig
(ungefähr gleiche Ergebnisse liefern)
equivalent (n+adj.)
(to give approximately equivalent results)
The two winners received equivalent rewards.
This word does not have an equivalent in English.
jmd. anekeln, empören, entsetzen
appall so. (ap'pool)
He had been appalled at first, but...
His bad table manners appalled her.
The sexism in the advertising campaign appalled me.
schief, wacklig
The old house has wonky walls.
The table is a bit wonky.
film of dust
Everything was covered with a film of gray dust.
im Allgemeinen, insgesamt, ausführlich, auf freiem Fuss
at large
Humankind (Menschheit) at large (insgesamt) is peaceful. (or: mankind)
They discussed the situation at large. (ausführlich)
The police are searching for the 'suspect (Verdächtiger) at large. (auf freiem Fuss)
über etw. hinausblicken (über den eigenen Horizont hinausblicken)
look beyond sth. (to look beyond the horizon)
We need to look beyond the current crisis and understand that innovation and technological development, globalisation, sustainability, [...]
This problem is beyond my area of expertise.
in die Zukunft schauen
look towards the future
Today we should look towards the future, develop visionary thinking and look for solutions.
We can look towards the future confidently.