Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 32 |
Language | Deutsch |
Category | English |
Level | Other |
Created / Updated | 16.07.2014 / 09.02.2019 |
Licencing | Not defined |
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(un)auffällig, unscheinbar
She tried to look as inconspicuous as possible.
He was wearing a conspicuous hat with red feathers.
(have a) snooze
After lunch, I often snooze a little bit.
I had a nice little snooze in the back of the car.
Der Unfall forderte 3 Todesopfer.
The accident claimed 3 lives.
etw. beschaffen, auftreiben
obtain sth.
Doctors must obtain the patients' con'sent (Zustimmung, Einverständnis) before treatment.
bestauen, glotzen, anstarren; jmd. etw. zornig anstarren
gaze at so.; glare at so.
I gazed at the beauty of the palace.
I gaze at his eyes, slightly magnified (vergrössert) by the glasses.
Finding nothing, she turned back to glare at him.
gültig bis
valid until
This offer is only valid until 1st July 2018.
vernachlässigt, verwahrlost; missachten, vernachlässigen
He neglected my advice and did what he wanted.
She neglected her children.
How do you account for (Rechenschaft ablegen, etw. erklären) the fact that unemployment is still rising?