Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 86 |
Language | Deutsch |
Category | English |
Level | Primary School |
Created / Updated | 22.12.2014 / 06.02.2019 |
Licencing | Not defined |
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angeben, prahlen, unter Beweis/zur Schau stellen
show so./sth. off
My friend likes to show off his new car.
The children showed off their artwork in the cafeteria.
At the time (damals) it was the biggest bank raid in UK history.
Konkurrent, Rivale, Gegner
rival (v+n+adj.)
The actress plays the protagonist's rival.
My brother and I work for rival companies.
The two teams will rival for the title this year.
gemäss, in Abhängigkeit von
according to
I structure my lessons according to the syllabus.
According to governing law, the action was not illegal.
A modification may become necessary according to the circumstances.
Der Angeklagte erhob Einspruch gegen das ungerechte Urteil.
The defendant objected to the unfair judgment.
Stand halten, Mut fassen, durchhalten
In dem Seminar ging es darum, zu lernen, Konflikte auszuhalten.
bear up (ä)
The seminar discussed how to bear up in a conflict situation.
Abneigung, Widerwille (=reluctance);
He has a strong aversion to sex.
I have an aversion to being touched.
My family accepted my plans to move only with reluctance.
am Rande von
(something that is likely to happen or begin very soon)
on/at the verge of
The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.
Carole was on the verge of tears.
Be on the verge of war