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Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 25
Language English
Category Micro-Economics
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 03.11.2011 / 24.11.2014
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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What's the origin of the term „strategy“

Greek: „stratos“ = army, „agos“ = leader

Originally: „Art and science of operating armed forces“, i.e. planning

and implementation of military operations.

What are the overall aspects of the term „strategy“

- fields of activity

- future oriented

- competitor related

- relation to environmental situations

- relation to company resources

- comprehensive alignment of company activities

- „big decisions“

- not easily reversible

Name the aspects of the term strategy by Weick 1995; Luhmann 1984

siehe Bild

Name the basic questions of strategic planning

In which business segments/markets shall we operate/compete?

- Definition of Corporate Strategy

- Where to compete?

With which actions do we compete in particular markets?

- Definition of Business Strategy

- How to compete?

What are our core capabilities?

What are the levels of strategy

Corporate Strategy:

- Definition of business segments

- Allocation of ressources

Business Strategy:

- Positioning in selected business segments

- How to compete in each business segment

Draw: Strategic Management Process

see picture

Name the Historical Development of Strategic management

1950 Budgeting

1960 Long-term Planning

1970 Strategic Planning

1980 Implementation

1990 Strategic Management

What are the basic perspectives within the scope of Strategic Management

1) Plan-determined / plan-oriented management

2) Descriptive strategy research

3) Market based / Resource based approach