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Second Messenger oparated Ca+2 influx/SOCE



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Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Spanisch
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 23.05.2014 / 24.05.2014
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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1.5) Initial evidence for SOCE? What channels are responsible? What are their characteristics?

The rise in [Ca2+] following PLCß/y activation by GPCRs or RTKs respectively is much reduced in the absence of extracellular calcium, indicating that store-operated calcium entry occurs following store depletion via IP3R activation by the GPCRs. Thapsigargin (SERCA inhibitor) and ionomycin (Ca2+ ionophore causing leak from ER) also cause Ca2+ influx through the PM.



The role of stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) in SOCE was discovered in 2005. STIM1 activates the "store-operated" ORAI1 calcium ion channels in the plasma membrane, via intracellular STIM1 movement. STIM1 is a single TM protein with an EF Ca2+-sensing hand inside the ER which senses Ca2+ depletion. 

dOrai has three human homologs: Orai1, 2 and 3. Orai1 channel is 4TM with intracellular N and C termini. Immunohistochemistry illustrated that the protein is localised to the PM. The protein ORAI1 is a structural component of the Calcium release activated  calcium channel (CRAC). The calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) channel was characterised in 1992. It strongly inwardly rectifying with a very high reversal potential unachievable under physiological conditions. It is highly Ca2+-selective and has a very low single-channel conductance.


1.7) Evidence for STIM1-ORAI1 role and CRAC involvement

The Ca2+-activated transcription factor NFAT (tagged with GFP) was used in a genome-wide interference study of Drosophila which possesses 21,000 genes. Knocking down dStim (Drosophila STIM) or dOrai prevented the Ca2+-induced NFAT translocation 10 minutes following TG application, implying they are key in SOCE. 

In order to find out how Stim1 activates ORAI1, total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy was used. Wide-field fluorescence microscopy (normal) using fluorescent Stim1 indicated that the protein translocates to the PM following store depletion. TIRF microscopy added to this by showing that Stim1 moves to discrete ‘puncti’. Image analysis showed Stim1 and ORAI1 to co-localise following store depletion. This was supported by FRET analysis indicating a proximity of 3-10nm. Furthermore, kinetics experiments showed that CRAC activation has a hill coefficient of 4.2, and Stim1 displays a close value of 3.8. This indicates high cooperativity.

In support of the theory for CRAC underlying SOCE entry in platelets, the Ca2+ response of Stim1 -/- platelets following the application of various agonists (ADP, thrombin, collage etc.) was recorded and found to be diminished.

1.8) Evidence for role of Orai (SCID)

Ca2+ influx into the immune cells of SCID patients following TG application showed that SOCE is abolished. WT cells show a significant Ca2+ influx. Parents of SCID patients show an intermediate phenotype, indicating a gene dosage effect takes place.Linkage analysis to identify SNPs which may contribute to SCID identified a 74 gene region which contains Orai1, with a probability ratio of 500,000:1. The Orai1 mutation was R91W.The Ca2+ current in an R91W mutant following store depletion is abolished as in SCID patient cells. Orai1 rescue (added back in) cells display WT CRAC currents, and re-introducing the R91W mutant gene does not.