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Plant responses

Plant responses and causes

Plant responses and causes

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 10
Language English
Category Biology
Level Secondary School
Created / Updated 09.11.2016 / 10.11.2016
Licencing Not defined
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What is a Plant growth regulator

Chemicals that control a particular development or response

Where are plant growth regulators produced


How are plant growth regulators transported

through vascular tissue

3 reasons why plant growth regulators were difficult to discover

1. active in Small amounts,

2. Effects depend on concentration,

3. Do not act where they are produced

Plant growth regulator with negative effect on growth

ethene or abscisin

Uses of artificial growth regulators 

Rooting powder,

weed killer,

ripening of fruit

how do auxins help phototropism 

they move to shaded part of the stem and cause cell elongation so that the shoot grows towards the light

IAA experiment results 

low concentration = roots grow;

high concentration = shoots grow;

very high concentration = nothing grows