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Meteo 2



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 448
Language Deutsch
Category Biology
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 12.01.2015 / 04.08.2016
Licencing Not defined
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radiation fog 

Einstrahlung fehlt = absence id dorrest solar radiation (night time)


consists of solid participles look smoke dust etc. => rel. humidity below 80%

Surface wind

Wind at 10 meters above ground level

On weather charts, which north is ment ?

teh geographic north ==> only the tower magnetic north => rwy related to magnetic north

gusts are reported when 

gust speed over 10 its

Wind is measured at which high?

10 m above ground

15 m/s in knots

30 knots

Wie wirk die pressure gradient force

senkrecht zu dem isobars richtichtung Tief