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lingustics lohmann arne

lingustics lohmann arne

Kartei Details

Karten 17
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 24.01.2016 / 04.03.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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basic components of the speech and sound production system

  • lungs
  • larynx (voice box): Vocal folds glottis
  • vocal tract (where speech sounds are shaped): nasal/oral cacivity

vocal folds

pair of membrans streched across the larynx

Egressive pulmonic air stream mechanism

mechanism that produces an air stream that is pushed up from the lungs and leaves the body through the mouth or nose

  • egressive "towards the outside"
  • pulmonic "from the lungs"


organs of speech

  • active articulators-Moveable (lips, tongue, lower teeth..)
  • passive articulators- non moveable (Alveolar ridge, upper teeth, hard palate, velum...)


are produced without obstruction of the air stream


are produced with an obstruction of the air stream

The classifications of consonants

  • manner
  • place
  • voicing

Manner of articulation (consonants)

  • stops/plosives (airflow is stopped/short moment of complete closure before it comes out) 

    [p], [t], [k] are voiceless plosives.

    [b], [d], [ɡ] are voiced plosives.

    [ʔ] is a glottal stop which is made in the throat.

  • fricatives (continious air flow, airflow obstructed, only narrow passage which air can escape ->audible friction)
  • affricates (stoppage of airflow, prolonged release with narrow opening-> audible friction)
  • approximants (no complete closure, enough space for air to pass without audible frition)
  1. liquids
  2. glides/ semi vowels
  3. lateral vs. cenral
  • nasals (air escapes through nose)