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ITL, chapter 4

Chapter 4, The Law of Contract

Chapter 4, The Law of Contract

Kartei Details

Karten 15
Sprache English
Kategorie Recht
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 24.09.2014 / 29.09.2014
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe    (Introduction to Law)
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What are the three type of rules relevant to contract law ?

1) Rules that are made by the contracting parties themselves

2) Rules that emerge from the official national, European and supranational sources

3) Informal Rules that are made by others

What are the 2 caracteristics of rules that are made by the contracting parties ?

1) Freedom of contract. Parties are free to decide whether they want to contract at all and with whom, but they can also determine the contents of their contract

2) General conditions. To standardised set  of rules that are suited to their own interests.

What are the characteristic of rules that emerged from official national, European and supranational sources?

1) default and mandatory rules are set.

Who produces national rules ?

At the national level, the official contract law is produced by the legislature and the courts.