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ITL, chapter 4

Chapter 4, The Law of Contract

Chapter 4, The Law of Contract

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 15
Language English
Category Law
Level University
Created / Updated 24.09.2014 / 29.09.2014
Licencing Not defined    (Introduction to Law)
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What are the three type of rules relevant to contract law ?

1) Rules that are made by the contracting parties themselves

2) Rules that emerge from the official national, European and supranational sources

3) Informal Rules that are made by others

What are the 2 caracteristics of rules that are made by the contracting parties ?

1) Freedom of contract. Parties are free to decide whether they want to contract at all and with whom, but they can also determine the contents of their contract

2) General conditions. To standardised set  of rules that are suited to their own interests.

What are the characteristic of rules that emerged from official national, European and supranational sources?

1) default and mandatory rules are set.

Who produces national rules ?

At the national level, the official contract law is produced by the legislature and the courts.

What is informal rule ?

Soft law.  Rules that are not officially binding but have the status of soft law.

Formation of a binding contract.

1) From a promise to a binding contract (3)

No legal system allows all promises to be enforceable. So, what the criterion is for the legal enforceability of promises :

Intention to be legally bound : the intention of the parties to enter into a legal relationship.

Gratuitous promises : A purely gratuitous promise (a donation) usually need to be put in a notarial deed.

Consideration : requires that there is a qui pro quo, the promise must be given for a counterperformance by the other party.

Formation of a binding contract.

2) Offer and Acceptance

If an acceptance has been dispatched by the offeree the contract is concluded when the acceptance reaches the offeror.

How are the weaker parties protected ?

1) Consumer protection : put the contract in writing and the need to comply with information duties.

2) Withdrawal Rights : allow the cancellation of a contract without any reason, consumer only need to return the good or send the seller a notice of cancellation within the "cooling-off period".

3) Incapacity : certain persons are incapable of entering into anlegal transactions at all. (Young children and the mentally ill)