Partenaire Premium

Interview - Working with People

Questions regarding interpersonal skills

Questions regarding interpersonal skills

Fichier Détails

Cartes-fiches 8
Langue English
Catégorie Matières relative au métier
Niveau Autres
Crée / Actualisé 24.11.2014 / 20.02.2022
Attribution de licence Non précisé
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1. What do you do when you're having difficulty solving a problem?

I break down the problem piece by piece and try and solve difficult problems step by step. This approach helps me not to get overwhelmed by difficult problems.

I usually take a short break. I found that this helps me think clearer and often times I end up solving the problem.

2. What do you do when you have a problem with a direct?

In this situation, I believe communication is very important. I'll usually have a meeting with my direct on the problems I have. It's easier to work on a problem together when everyone involved is aware, so I always communicate the problems that I see.

3. What do you do when you have a problem with your boss?

I'm very open with my manager. I feel it's important that my manager knows about how I feel. I always start a conversation and try and solve our differences through professional conversation.

4. What do you do when you have a problem with your job?

It depends on the specific problem, but in most cases, I'll face the problem that I have with my job and find a solution.

If I avoid the problem, it will always be there and my work quality will decrease. So I found that solving the problems immediately helps me in the long term.

5. How do you handle conflict?

I handle conflicts by analyzing them. I'm a very analytical person and I feel all problems have a solution. I usually think about the conflict and find ways to deal with it.

6. Have you fired anyone? And if so, why?

I had to fire one employee who continually failed to complete projects. Before firing this employee, I tried to work with him by motivating, encouraging, and even providing different work. In the end, nothing worked and I had no choice but to let him go.

7. What do you do when a worker is giving the team more problems than helping?

If the problem is related to a difficult task that a coworker cannot solve, then I'll get all the team members to help out.

But if the problem is due to laziness or unwillingness to work, then I'll inform my manager of the problem.

8. Do you like to work by yourself or with others?

That's a tough question... I like the combination of the two. It's great working in teams while getting and sharing ideas with each other, but it's also nice to sit at your desk and work hard productively.

I like to do both so it's hard to choose one over the other.