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Hello World 1 Questions

Hello World 1 Questions

Hello World 1 Questions

Kartei Details

Karten 99
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Religion/Ethik
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 18.11.2013 / 09.06.2024
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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Tightly integrated IT systems are most likely to be affected by: A) aggregated risk B) systemic risk C) operational risk D) cascading risk


An information security strategy containing specific links to an organization's business activities is primarily an indicator of: A) performance measurement B) integration C) alignment D) value delivery


The most effective method to conduct a risk assessment on an internal system in an organization is to start by understanding the: A) performance metrics and indicators B) policies and standards C) recent audit findings and recommendations D) systems and its subsystems


The acceptability of a partial system recovery after a security incident is most likely to be based on the: A) ability to resume normal operations B) maximum tolerable outage C) service delivery objective D) acceptable interruption window


Which of the following is the most effective method to ensure that a business continuity plan meets on organization's needs? A) require quarterly updating of the BCP B) automate the survey of plan owners to obtain input to the plan C) Periodically test the cross-departmental plan with varied scenarios D) conduct face-to-face meetings with management for discussion and analysis


The most complete business case for security solutions is one that: A) includes appropriate justification B) explains the current risk profile C) details regulatory requirements D) identifies incidents and losses


The primary reason for senior management review of information security incidents is to: A) ensure adequate corrective actions were implemented B) demonstrate management commitment C) evaluate the incident response process for deficiencies D) evaluate the ability of the security team


Which of the following is the greatest benefit of a risk aware culture: A) issues are escalated when suspicious activity is noticed B) controls are double checked to anticipate any issues C) individuals communicate with peers for knowledge sharing D) Employees are self-motivated to learn about costs and benefits