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Final Exam Study Guide for Psychology

This part of the Study Guide includes topics from Psychological Disorders.

This part of the Study Guide includes topics from Psychological Disorders.

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Fichier Détails

Cartes-fiches 44
Langue English
Catégorie Psychologie
Niveau Université
Crée / Actualisé 11.12.2013 / 12.12.2013
Attribution de licence Pas de droit d'auteur (CC0)
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What is hoarding?

The excessive collection of items, with the inability to discard them.

Hoarding is considered a psychological disorder in the DSM-5 as "hoarding disorder".

What overarching criteria is used to determine if an individual has a psychological disorder?

- Deviance, Distress, Dysfunction, Danger

- Deviance: different from most people. Standards for deviant behavior vary by context, culture( ex: poligamy), and even over time.

  • Homosexuality was deemed a psychological disorder up until 1973.
  • Hoarding is not the norm so deviance is met.

- Distress: The deviant behavior leads the person to experience distress (an uncomfortable feeling, or specifically feelings of anxiety and/or depression)

  • The people in the hoarding video appear to be ditressed. One guy said he felt buried alive.

- Dysfunction: The deviant and distressful behavior  leads to problems at work and one's ability to enjoy leisure time.

  • It seems that at least the leisure of the individuals in the video is somewhat disrupted so the dysfunction is met.

- Danger: is the deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional behavior harmful to other peopl or the individual.

  • In the hoarding video, they are not sanitary and can lead to diseases and harm them.

What is the DSM?

- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (DSM) is the current authoritative scheme for classifying psychological disorders. It categorizes particular disorers by symptoms, prevalence, course of disorder, insurance purposes (for economic reasons)

- This is the bible of psychologists


What is a clinical interview?

A face-to-face encounter between patient and clinician. The purpose is to collect information about the person to put a label on them. 

  • Problems
  • Lifestyle (drink?, smoke?)
  • Relationships (parents, romantic, friends)
  • Personal history (relatives who suffer from psychological disorders?)

- Unstructured (go with the flow, why are you here?) vs. Structured (strict set of questions they ask)