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Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 44
Language Deutsch
Category Theology
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 25.06.2014 / 25.06.2014
Licencing Not defined
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reserve ratio n

the portion of depositors' balances banks must have on hand as cash

reserve requirements n

requirements regarding the amount of funds that banks must hold in reserve against deposits made by their customers

resource n

a factor used in production

retaliation n

the use of trade barriers against another country in response to protectionist policies

revaluation n

an adjustment of a country's exchange rate

risk-seeking adj

the search for greater uncertainty in exchange for anticipated higher returns

risk aversion n

the desire toÊavoidÊuncertainty

rival n, v

a person, group or organization competing with others for the same thing or in the same area; to be as good or important as someone or something else