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English B2 2 b



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 23
Language English
Category English
Level Secondary School
Created / Updated 04.04.2016 / 04.04.2016
Licencing Not defined
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the force or action of one object hitting another, the ability to have an influence on


The impact of hitting the barrier at high speed meant that his internal organs were seriously damaged

hurt, wounded


Caring for a seriously injured casualty in a remote area is a formidable challenge, even for the most experienced expedition medic

to set up or lay the groundwork for; establish, initiate; appoint, constitute, name, nominate - create and charge with a task or function


The King decided to remove Ibrahim a week before elections and to institute a non-party Council of Government under his personal direction.

To commit (money or capital) in order to gain a financial return


You invest in the equity market to provide yourself with a stream of future dividends which will hopefully outpace inflation.

a separate article or particular.


There are 50 items on the list.

not change, to make a situation or activity continue in the same way


The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region

usual, ordinary, and expected


That's a fairly normal weight for someone of your height.

To come into the possession of; to procure; to get, acquire, or secure.


His goal was to obtain a National League team for the city.