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Englisch, Open World 1, Unit 5

Wörtli / Sätze zu Unit 5

Wörtli / Sätze zu Unit 5

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 42
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 02.09.2014 / 15.09.2023
Licencing Not defined
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When a plane ____________ it's a wonderful feeling. (_____ Deutsch)

lifts off / abheben

Hurry up! We mustn't ______ that bus! (_____Deutsch)

miss / verpassen

A ________ is sharp and can hurt your finger. (_____Deutsch)

needle / Nadel

The ________ didn't open so the man didn't survive. (_____Deutsch)

parachute / Fallschirm

In American history, _________ moved to unknown places. (_____Deutsch)

pioneers / Pioniere

When air gets warmer, it ________ . (_____Deutsch)

rises / in die Luft gehen

I haven't got time to do it doday, ___ I'll do it tomorrow. (_____Deutsch)

so / so, also, daher

The ___________ of polished wood is smooth. (_____Deutsch)

surface / Oberfläche