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ecnf halt

ecnf halt

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 10
Language Deutsch
Category Computer Science
Level University
Created / Updated 26.02.2014 / 26.02.2014
Licencing Not defined
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Declare Field Access


Use Field Access


How to implement Indexers


Usage of Indexers


Characteristits of Abstract Classes (4)

  •  Abstract methods do not have an implementation.
  •  Abstract methods are implicitly virtual.
  •  If a class has abstract methods (declared or inherited) it must be abstract itself.
  •  One cannot create objects of an abstract class.

Characteristics of Interfaces (12)

  • Interface = purely abstract class; only signatures, no implementation.
  • May contain methods, properties, indexers and events (no fields, constants, constructors, destructors, operators, nested types).
  • Interface members are implicitly public abstract (virtual).
  • Interface members must not be static.
  • Classes and structs may implement multiple interfaces.
  • Implemented by classes and structs
  • A class can inherit from a single base class, but can implement multiple interfaces.
  • A struct cannot inherit from any type, but can implement multiple interfaces.
  • Every interface member (method, property, indexer) must be implemented or inherited from a base class.
  • Implemented interface methods must not be declared as override.
  • Implemented interface methods can be declared as virtual or abstract (i.e. an interface can be implemented by an abstract class).
  • If subclasses of MyClass should be able to override Add() it must be declared as virtual (although Add() is already implicitly virtual in IList).
  • Interfaces can extend other interfaces.

How to initialize a Multidimensional arrays (rectangle)


imlicit and dynamic variables