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Clinic Theory

Family Abuse and Neglect

Family Abuse and Neglect



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 23
Language English
Category Medical
Level University
Created / Updated 25.02.2014 / 25.02.2014
Licencing Not defined
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What "target population" is most likely to experiance neglect or abuse?

  • Children
  • Elderly
  • People with disabilites
  • Women

What are 5 types of maltreatment?

  1. Physical: non-accidental injuries
  2. Emotional: mental anguish and despair, caused by intimidation and humiliation
  3. Sexual: non-consensual or exploitive sexual contact
  4. Neglect: failure to provide basic necessities for medical dental and deprivation
  5. Financial exploitation: improper or illegal use of financial resources


Children with speical needs are less likely to experiance maltreatment?

False: more likely

Physical abuse to a child will most likely appear?

  • Head
  • Neck
  • Mouth injury