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Chinese with Huangyu12.21



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 19
Language English
Category Chinese
Level Other
Created / Updated 21.12.2015 / 23.12.2015
Licencing Not defined    (```)
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I bought it in vain.

wǒ bái mǎi le 。

I came in vain.

wǒ mǎi lái le 。

I ate in vain.

wǒ bái chī le 。

I went in vain.

wǒ bái qù le 。

he slept only in 11 o'clock. 

cái 11diǎn tā jiù shuì jiào le 。

he didn't slept until 11o'clock.

tā 11diǎn cái shuì jiào 。

he came here only for 5minutes.

cái 5fèn zhōng tā jiù dào le 。

he didn't come until one hour go away.

tā 1gè xiǎo shí cái dào 。