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CAIA Chapter 3: Statistical Foundations

Statistical Foundations

Statistical Foundations

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 43
Language English
Category Finance
Level University
Created / Updated 17.12.2014 / 16.06.2019
Licencing Not defined
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a graphical representation of a frequency distribution

Ex Ante

Future possible returns and their probabilities are referred to as ex ante or expectational return probability distributions

Ex Post

meaning from forwards. based on realized outcomes rathern than anticipated outcomes

normal distriution

is the familiar bell-shaped distribution that is also known as Gaussian distribution. The normal distribution tends to approcimate many distributions observed in nature and/or generated as the result of human actions and interactions, incl. financial retu


is the recognition of interest on interest or, more generally, earning on earnings

Simple interest

A computation that does not incorporate compounding

Continuous compounding

assumes that earning can instantaneously be reinvested to generate additional earnings

Discrete compounding

any compounding interval other than continuous compounding is known as discrete compounding