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CAE English -> Good to know!

Some rules, clues, tips etc...

Some rules, clues, tips etc...

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 37
Language English
Category English
Level Other
Created / Updated 07.11.2014 / 12.05.2018
Licencing Not defined
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What's special with state verbs?

We don't usually use the continuous with them

Which state verbs of groups don't we use with -ing usually? Make examples!

express opinion, feelings or knowledge

  • agree, assume, believe, disagree, hate, hope, know, like, love, prefer, realise and regret.

describe apperance

  • appear, look, seem and resemble.

describe senses

  • belong, consist, contain, cost, have and own.

We change words wich end in y after a consonant, the y becomes i when suffix is added:

  • happy
  • try
  • study
  • family
  • rely

  • happiness
  • trial/tries
  • studious
  • familiar
  • reliance

Which letters are consonants?

B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X and sometimes Y too

Which letters are vowels?

A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y

When is the final -e of the word dropped?


  • nonsense - nonsensical
  • amaze - amazing
  • sane - sanity


If there is a consonant before it and the suffix begins with a vowel (-er, -ed, -ing, -ance, -ation, etc.)

What does no, none or not mean? Explain!

  • NO = means not any, or not even one (used with countable or uncountable nouns)
  • NONE = is a pronoun and means not one, not any or no part of it
  • NOT = is mainly used to make verbs negative

Which are the most common verbs used with to?

  • afford
  • agree
  • arrange
  • appear
  • attempt
  • choose
  • decide
  • expect
  • hope
  • intend
  • learn
  • manage
  • offer
  • pretend
  • promise
  • refuse
  • seem