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ACP 1. Ordner

Own Questions

Own Questions

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Kartei Details

Karten 46
Lernende 18
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Informatik
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 28.01.2013 / 08.05.2022
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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Describe the structure of the main window...

1. Avaloq Button

2. Ribbon

3. Sidebar (personalized access to overviews)

4. Work Area

5. Tabs

6. Message Bar

7. Status Bar

What information contains the Status Bar?

Date, Default Printer, Database, Release

What could be a person (PERS) in Avaloq?

- Account Owner

- Beneficiary Owner

- Legal Guardian

- Authority

- Payee

Which are the object attributes?

Classifications and classes, keys, additions, remarks, relations, collections

Whats the difference between 3.4k and 3.4m?

3.4k is equal to 3.4 * 1'000

3.4m is equal to 3.4000 it puts 3x '0' at the end

What's the difference between +7v and +7_v?

+7v is an additional seven value days added.

+7_v is an addition of seven days but the day needs to be a value day (Sa. & So. is counted backwards)

Whats the difference between ?  _ and % *?

?_ only one letter is missing with %* more than one is missing...with SQL statement LIKE!

What the term eotw means?

end of this