Partenaire Premium

ServiceNow Certified System Administrator (CSA)

Exam questions are based on official ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site, and the ServiceNow developer site. It should not be considered the official study or exam materials and should only be used to practice for the mainline exam.

Exam questions are based on official ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site, and the ServiceNow developer site. It should not be considered the official study or exam materials and should only be used to practice for the mainline exam.

Fichier Détails

Cartes-fiches 360
Langue English
Catégorie Informatique
Niveau Autres
Crée / Actualisé 02.04.2024 / 02.04.2024
Attribution de licence Non précisé
Lien de web
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What related list can you use to extend and track the different types of groups assigned to a Configuration Item?

What are the three types of Flow Designer triggers?

Select 3 Answers from the below options.

What is created by default when you create a new table?

Select 2 Answers from the below options.

Select the report visualisation types you can generate from a list of records.

Select 2 Answers from the below options.

Which field type is Boolean and displays as a checkbox?

Which script runs when a record is displayed, inserted, updated, deleted or when a table is queried?

Each ServiceNow solution provides its own guided setup. When implementing IT Service Management (ITSM), where would you navigate to update Now Platform user interface branding, including the company logo and colours?

Select 2 Answers from the below options.

Who can add or remove widgets in a dashboard?

Select 3 Answers from the below options.