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081 PoF

Principles of Flight

Principles of Flight

Kartei Details

Karten 60
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Verkehrskunde
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 17.08.2022 / 08.09.2022
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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With regards to stability, which 2 categories of stability exist?

  1. Static stability
  2. Dynamic stability

Define statically stable for an aircraft

After displacement by a wind gust, the aircraft returns to its initial flight path. 

Define statically unstable for an aircraft

After displacement by a wind gust, the aircraft continues to part from the initial flight path.

Define statically neutral (or indifferent)

After displacement by a wind gust, the aircraft continues on the newly obtained flight path