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ETHZ / Bauingenieur Bsc. / 5.Semester / HS2020

ETHZ / Bauingenieur Bsc. / 5.Semester / HS2020

Kartei Details

Karten 78
Sprache English
Kategorie Naturkunde
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 15.09.2020 / 10.11.2023
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Definition of Hydrology

Science of all phases of the Earth's water.

Why do many coastlines around the world erode faster than in the past?

Because the sediments (usually transported to sea via the rivers) are held back by manmade structures such as dams and reservoirs.

Estimated world water quantities

\(1.34*10^9 \text{ km}^3\)

Distribution of Water on Earth

Water balance

Defines the conservation of mass across the different compartments of the hydrological cycle
(atmosphere, water bodies, soil and ground, vegetation, snowpack and ice)


The hydrological cycle

Hydrology - 3 Main Engineering Problems

- Control of excess water - (flood storm mitigation, storm drainage, bridges, sewerage)

- Conservation (quantity) - (water supply, irrigation, hydropower, navigation)

- Conservation (quality) - (pollution control)


Der Niederschlagsinput kommt zeitlich verzögert am Einzugsgebietsauslass (Pegel) an. Diese zeitliche Verzögerung (Retention) ist abhängig von den Speichereigenschaften und der Grösse des Einzugsgebietes.