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JKU - MA Psychologie

JKU - MA Psychologie

Kartei Details

Karten 111
Sprache English
Kategorie Technik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 21.06.2020 / 25.10.2020
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Stapel: Tactile, Auditive, Visual Perception

Tacticle Perception

Somatosensation can be split up into 3 sensory systems. 

  1. Hapsis or Touch
  2. Nociception (Temperature and Pain)
  3. Proprioception (Body Awareness)

What is Proprioception?


  • Sensory information from muscles, tendons (Sehnen) and ligaments (Bänder)
  • Bodily position and awareness

Proprioceptive activities are:

  • Jumping on a Trampoline
  • Climbing a rockwall
  • pulling a heavy wagon
  • monkey bars

Explain Proprioception

The Brain, vestibular organs, eyes usw.

The brain receives and interprets information from multiple inputs: 

Vestibular organs: in the inner ear send information about rotation, acceleration (Beschleunigung) and position

Eyes send visual information

Stretch receptors in skin, muscels and joints (Gelenke) send information about the position of body parts

Proprioception Task

  • Activity: Find your fingertips
  • Close your raise both hands above your head keep the fingers of your left hand totally still. With your right hand quickly touch your index fingertip to your nose then quickly touch the tip of your thumb of your left hand with the tip of your right indexfinger. Quickly repeat the entire process while attempting to touch each fingertip (always return to your nose in between fingertip attempts).
  • Try again, but this time, wiggle the fingers of your raised hand while you're doing this.

  • Switch hands and try again. How successfully did you locate each fingertip? Did you improve with time? Was there a difference when you used your right versus your left hand?

Tactile Perception:
Phantom Limb (Gliedmassen) Sensations

  • If a limb is lost through an accident or amputation – around 60% of patients experience phantom limb sensations

  • The patient feels the presence of their lost limbs


This happens as neurons in the somatosensory cortex that received input from the sensory receptors of the amutated limb - receive input from the neighbouring regions of the body

This leads patient to teel that the limb is still there

Phantom Limb Pain

Amputees often have to deal with phantom limb pain

Explanation by Neuroscientist Vilayanur Ramachandran:

If you pick up a glass = your brain sends signals down your arm to move towards the glass and pick it up

If your arm is not there = no movement happens

Thus your brain keeps sending "move" signals

Phantom Limb Pain

  • Can visual feedback help this never ending signals?

Mirror Therapy is one way to help with phantom limb pain

The rubber hand illusion can help to deal with this pain.