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Scrum Glossary from

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Cartes-fiches 76
Utilisateurs 11
Langue English
Catégorie Culture générale
Niveau Autres
Crée / Actualisé 11.06.2020 / 21.12.2023
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What is a Burn-down Chart?

A chart which shows the amount of work which is thought to remain in a backlog. Time is shown on the horizontal axis and work remaining on the vertical axis. As time progresses and items are drawn from the backlog and completed, a plot line showing work remaining may be expected to fall. The amount of work may be assessed in any of several ways such as user story points or task hours. Work remaining in Sprint Backlogs and Product Backlogs may be communicated by means of a burn-down chart.

What is a Burn-up Chart?

A chart which shows the amount of work which has been completed. Time is shown on the horizontal axis and work completed on the vertical axis. As time progresses and items are drawn from the backlog and completed, a plot line showing the work done may be expected to rise. The amount of work may be assessed in any of several ways such as user story points or task hours. The amount of work considered to be in-scope may also be plotted as a line; the burn-up can be expected to approach this line as work is completed.

What is meant by Coherent/Coherence?

The quality of the relationship between certain Product Backlog items which may make them worthy of consideration as a whole. (kohärent, verständlich / Kohärenz/Stimmigkeit)

What is a Daily Scrum?

Scrum Event that is a 15-minute time-boxed event held each day for the Development Team. The Daily Scrum is held every day of the Sprint. At it, the Development Team plans work for the next 24 hours. This optimizes team collaboration and performance by inspecting the work since the last Daily Scrum and forecasting upcoming Sprint work. The Daily Scrum is held at the same time and place each day to reduce complexity.

What is the Definition of Done (DoD)?

A shared understanding of expectations that the Increment must live up to in order to be releasable into production. Managed by the Development Team.

What is the Development Team?

Role within a Scrum Team accountable for managing, organizing and doing all development work required to create a releasable Increment of product every Sprint.

What is meant by an Emergence?

The process of the coming into existence or prominence of new facts or new knowledge of a fact, or knowledge of a fact becoming visible unexpectedly. (Auftauchen/Erscheinung)

What is meant by Empiricism?

Process control type in which only the past is accepted as certain and in which decisions are based on observation, experience and experimentation. Empiricism has three pillars: transparency, inspection and adaptation.