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Forensic exam questions



Kartei Details

Karten 81
Sprache English
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 31.05.2020 / 04.06.2020
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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In this case the shot came:

Internal body temperature is 30°C, ambient temperature is 20°C, rigor mortis reappears partially after breaking, lividity is partially moving after body position change. Approximate time since death is (by the books):

Pedestrian hit by a car sustained injuries to the lower right extremity in the form of: bruise in inner collateral ankle ligament, bruise in the inner part of the distal epiphysis of the femur and blood in the ankle cavity. The doctor can tell that:

During the autopsy of a stab wound victim a doctor should NOT:

During the examination of the corpse at the place of it's finding following death signs were noted: lividity in the form of small dots in the occipital region, moving after body position change fading easily after thumb pressure and reappearing very quickly, very weak rigor mortis visible only in lower extremities, body internal temperature 21°C. These findings in typical conditions would be visible after:

Certain death marks are:

What are the "preserving" late post-mortem changes:

The crime of neonaticide: