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Kontrollfragen zum Stoff

Kontrollfragen zum Stoff

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 9
Language English
Category Psychology
Level University
Created / Updated 05.05.2020 / 06.05.2020
Licencing Not defined    (Regina Kempen)
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Which components of vocational interests does Hollands model seperate?
What does the hexagonal structure imply? 


Why is it important to seperate 2interest" from "interest congruence"? Which kinds of "congruence" exist?



Is "interest congruence" a good predictor for performance and if yes, why? What role does motivation play?



Practical implications: In which settings would you recommend to use vocational interest tests? What might be potential problems of using them, e.g. in a selection context?


What is the difference between P-J and P-O fit? Provide examples for each type of fit.


What are the most important predictors for job organization attraction and for acceptance intentions?

6 predictors of applicant attraction

1) Job and orga characteristics reflect what the specific applicant is looking for;  Job attributes: pay, benefit, type of work/reflective to orga: company image, size, work environment, location, familiarity

2) recruiter: characteristics (age, function); behavior (friendly, competent) Provide signals about the attractiveness of a given position

3) Recruitment process: fairness, transparent ? , …

4) Percieved fit – Person-job-fit

5) Does applicant have alternative job offers (which may seem more interesting for some reason ?)

6) Hiring expectancies: How applicant accesses his/her chances of being hired in your enterprise à positive, if he perceives higher chances

These 6 categories can again be devided into subcategories, but for now the knoweledge of the six main points is enough

What factors do you know that influence the forming of an intention?
For example, which theoretical ... you already know that incorporated intentions?


What are the advantages and isadvantages of laboratory studies in the field of recruiting outcomes?

-Simualtions are better for generating new models and internal validity; but a lack of generalizability (external val.)

•Field studies with ‘(real) applicants’

•Simulations in laboratories  ‘nonapplicants’