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Maori cultural competency for teachers

Maori cultural competency for teachers

Kartei Details

Karten 10
Sprache English
Kategorie Übrige
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 23.01.2020 / 23.01.2020
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Cooperation, communication, discuss, talk, dialogue, inform

Encouraging, supporting, seeking out, feedback, listening, responding, interaction


Relationship, appreciation, accessibility, approachability, feeling welcomed and included

My teacher knows me as a person, knows my parents and my whanau. I have a good relationship with the teacher and feel welconed. 

Understanding, respecting and valuing cultural beliefs, language, practices. Treaty of waitangi and its implications for the classroom. Incorporating maori culture.


Respect and valuing of maori culture. Including maori culture into classroom. Te reo maori. 

Tangata whenuatanga

Knowledge of Local history, local context, local iwi. Understanding what cultural capital maori learners bring into the classroom. Knowledge of local tikanga, providing resources, utilising cultural capital. 

Knowledge of local maori culture, practices and history and using it in the classroom.