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V11 Business Models

Key concepts: - Business Models - General Purpose technology markets - Logic of accumulaiton Abilities: - Critical assessment of different business models embedded in diverse ecosystems, and the relationsship with other TIM topics - Critical assessment of broader implications of new business models and organizational forms

Key concepts: - Business Models - General Purpose technology markets - Logic of accumulaiton Abilities: - Critical assessment of different business models embedded in diverse ecosystems, and the relationsship with other TIM topics - Critical assessment of broader implications of new business models and organizational forms

Kartei Details

Karten 18
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie BWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 06.01.2020 / 13.01.2020
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Name the four categories of businessmodels incl. examples.

Define a Business Model, Strategy and Tactics. Give an Example with the car industry.

(Ricart Casadesus-Masanell - How to Design a Winning Business Model)

Business Model: (Selling Cars)
Refers to the logic of the company - how it operates and creates and captures value for stakeholders in a competitive market place. 

Business Strategy: (How to design the Car)
Plan to create a unique and valuable position involving distinctive set of activities.

Business Tactics: (How to drive the car?)
Residual choices open to a company by virtue of the business model that it employs.

Every Company has a business model but not nessesarily a strategy!

Buisness models, which include the comercialization of new technologies (novel approach) and its underlying assets.

According to this paper there are 3 types of choises which has to be made when creating business models. Name & explain them. 

(Ricart Casadesus-Masanell - How to Design a Winning Business Model)

Policy choices:
determine the actions an organization takes across all its operations (such as using nonunion workers,
locating plants in rural areas, or encouraging employees to fly coach class)

Asset choices:
pertain to the tangible resources a company deploys (manufacturing facilities or satellite communication
systems, for instance)

Governance choices:
 refer to how a company arranges decision-making rights over the other two (should we own or lease machinery?)