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Business Ethics Summary

Business Ethics 2019/20 Summary Chapters

Business Ethics 2019/20 Summary Chapters

Kartei Details

Karten 65
Lernende 10
Sprache English
Kategorie Religion/Ethik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 22.12.2019 / 04.01.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Define Business Ethics

Comprises organizational principles, values, and norms that may originate from individuals, organizational statements, or from the legal system that primarily guide individual and group behavior in business

When do ethical decisions occur?

when accepted rules no longer serve and decision makers must weigh values and reach a judgment

Define these 3 words:
a) Morals

b) Principles

c) Values

a) Refer to a person’s personal philosophies about what is right or wrong

b) Specific and pervasive boundaries for behavior that should not be violated

c) Enduring beliefs and ideals that are socially enforced

Name examples for misconduct inthe workplace.

Misuse of company resources

Abusive behavior


Accounting fraud

Conflicts of interest

Defective products


Employee theft