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IFR Voice

Special cases

Special cases

Kartei Details

Karten 99
Sprache English
Kategorie Berufskunde
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 14.10.2019 / 14.07.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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After leaving the landing runway you would like to hold on the taxiway to check the engine. After a few minutes you are again ready to go.

Zurich Ground, HB-LOT, taxiway X, request to hold on taxiway for engine check HB-LOT, engine check completed request taxi for departure

After reaching your cruising level ice is building up. Ask for lower cruising level.

HB-LOT, request lower cruising level due to icing

After receiving start up clearance you have a low battery warning which prevents engine start. Ask Friedrichshafen Tower to send assistance with ground power.

Friedrichshafen Ground, HB-LOT, unable to start engines due to low battery, request ground power

During climb the cabin pressure is not building up. The system is out of service so you have to ask for a lower cruising level.

Swiss Radar, HB-LOT, request lower cruising level due to cabin pressurization failure