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english fragen videos

english fragen und antworten video

english fragen und antworten video

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 187
Language English
Category English
Level University
Created / Updated 20.08.2019 / 20.08.2019
Licencing Not defined
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1. What basic question has Lonsdale had for a very long time?

How can we speed up learning?

2. Why was Lonsdale successful in learning Chinese quite fast?

Because he applied his learning principles

3. Why is it important to be able to learn a new language fast?

Communicate to solve global problems, migration

4. What reasons does he give for his claim that you can learn any language in six months?

Humanity is capable of pushing borders

5. What does the comparison with drawing prove?

Everybody can learn drawing in five days if you are applying the right principles

6. Which two myths does he want to dispel?

You need talent to learn something, immersion itself does not work, you also need to make an effort.

7. What are the five principles of learning?

Relevant content for you, using tools, focus on meaning, physiological training psycho-physiological state: relaxed, confident, happy, not sad, worried or afraid

8. Which seven actions does he recommend?

Listen a lot