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Dobin 0x11_MemoryLayout.pdf

Dobin 0x11_MemoryLayout.pdf

Dobin 0x11_MemoryLayout.pdf

Kartei Details

Karten 9
Sprache English
Kategorie Religion/Ethik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 21.06.2019 / 21.06.2019
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What is the ELF format, and name 3 types.

Programs are stored in ELF files

ELF: Executable and Linkable Format

  • Like COFF, PE (EXE), ....

ELF types:

  • ET_EXEC: Executable File
  • ET_REL: Relocatable File
  • ET_DYN: Shared Object File

ELF "views"

  • Sections
  • Segments

Describe the ELF Format how is it structured?

Sturcture of ELF file from top to bottom:

  1. ELF Header
  2. Program Header Table (contains the location of sections)
  3. Sections (are contained in segments)
  4. Section Header Table (contains locationn of sections

In the ELF format what can be contained in the sections?


  • .text: Executable instructions
  • .bss: Unitialized data (usualy the heap)
  • .data: initialized data
  • .rodata: Read-Only data
  • .got: Global Offset Table
  • .plt: Prcedure Linkage Table
  • .init / .fini: initialiyation instructions ("glibc")

How is an ELF file loaded what is loaded into the stack, heap and code block?

.plt, .text, .init get written into code block

.got, .data, .bss is written into the heap

unalocated space is the stack.