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Bangeter 04-malware_identification_v50.pdf

Bangeter 04-malware_identification_v50.pdf

Bangeter 04-malware_identification_v50.pdf

Kartei Details

Karten 18
Sprache English
Kategorie Technik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 19.06.2019 / 01.07.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Why is malware identification important?

  • Malware identification is important for incident reponse in a company or in law enforcement context.
  • In cyber crime case: reinstall machine and you're done.
  • Espionage type of attack possible affects substantial parts of a network and requiers different / more complex reactions.

How can malware identification help us in our analysis of the malware?

  • Mostly the same attack has been used befor.
  • Most malware families have been analyzed befor -> addition information
  • Through identifying malware we emidiatly get access to all work done previously
  • analysis of new malware can take days to months.

What is an IOC (Indicator of Compromise)?


An indicator of compromise (IOC) is an a priori known characteristic artefact of attacks, malware samples / families.

IOCs can be used for detection and identification purposes.

Name some host based IOCs (Indicator of Compromise)

Host based IOCs

  • Hashes of malware executables, modules, dropped files etc...
  • Filenames of dropped files or email attachements (infection vector)
  • Registry entries (e.g. used for persistence)
  • Mutexes (program object that is created so that multiple program thread can take turns sharing the same resource, such as access to a file.)
  • Process names
  • Anti-virus or Yara signatures
  • Strings